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Voice-Over & Videos
LIVE and LOCAL! Between December 2016 and May 2018, I hosted NPR's All Things Considered on KTOO-FM Public Broadcasting, 104.3 in Juneau, AK covering local and state news. The station transmits to and boasts a listenership of upwards of 30,000 in the capital proper, Hoonah, Gustavus/Glacier Bay, Excursion Inlet, and on fishing boats in the tiny bays and inlets around Southeast Alaska.
Radio Broadcasts
6-7-18 Gillnets-Weaving-Taku.c
00:00 / 05:00
6-12-18 Kake Cannery & Sitka SinkingArtist Name
00:00 / 05:00
5-11-17 Arctic Council & Hanford Nuclear SiteArtist Name
00:00 / 05:00
TV - Arts @ 360: Writer's Showcase
@ 39:55 Reading "The Piece That Wasn't Lost"
by Mariah Warren
@ :45 Reading "To Alaskan Who Leaves"
by Ray Friendlander
@ 35:05 Reading "Fire and Ice"
by Heather Lende
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